Past Criminal Records can hurt your chances for getting a new job, entering the military or becoming a citizen. If you or someone you know has a criminal record, contact a good San Francisco Criminal Defense Attorney to help clean it up. If you have a Felony on your record, many times it can be… Read More
San Francisco District Attorney plays “Hide the Ball’
San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris is a veteran prosecutor who knows the rules of the game. She is now a manager but she was a top flight trial attorney before being elected to her current post. As a San Francisco Criminal Attorney she knows it is her sworn duty to turn over appropiate criminal… Read More
Read San Francisco Criminal Attorney Chris Morales’ new book
Mr. Morales just finished publishing his first book, The Top Ten Celebrity Crimes of 2009. Chris Morales, a Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law, dissects the top 10 Celebrity stories of 2009 using his 20 years of experience as a San Francisco Criminal Defense Attorney to give the reader an inside view of how and… Read More