Whistleblower Lawyer
At its essence, a whistleblower is someone who reports fraud, waste, corruption, abuse, or dangers that are a risk to the public health and safety of others. This is often someone who is in the position to report and rectify the wrongdoing. Typically, a whistleblower works within the organization where the wrongdoing has happened, however, being someone on the inside is not essential to acting as a whistleblower. All that matters is that the person has disclosed information about the offense that would have otherwise not been known.
It can be beneficial to know that individuals who report wrongdoing often receive protections and rewards for doing the right thing. There are whistleblower laws at the state, federal, and local level that protects people who want to come forward about wrongdoings they observe. There is a growing number of laws for whistleblowers in the United States and beyond, each with their own regulations and rules. The National Whistleblower Center advocates for laws that protect whistleblowers so that those who are operating their businesses without integrity get reported and are held accountable.
Abiding by whistleblower rules is important. Acting as a whistleblower is a noble choice, but it’s imperative to follow procedures so that protections are secured and the risk of retaliation is low. In some cases, financial rewards may even be available to the whistleblower if there was a prosecution of the wrongdoer. Whistleblowers may want to find an attorney to help them before attempting to blow the whistle. This is just an extra precaution so that whistleblowers are not vulnerable to mistreatment from the offending party or company because they brought an issue to light.
The laws for whistleblowers can be confusing for the everyday person to understand, which is why a legal team is recommended so that they could answer any questions or concerns that you may have based on your specific circumstances. Crimes can have a significant impact on company shareholders, the government, and taxpayers. Situations like these tend to be difficult for law enforcement to identify on their own. All in all, without whistleblowers, much of the wrongdoings that individuals or companies engage in would otherwise go undetected.
People of various backgrounds and ages all around the world whistleblow each year. The issues reported can range from pollution to unlawful accounting, tax fraud, and illegal wildlife trade. These crimes can have a devastating impact on the surrounding community and into other cities where the offense is connected to. Those who are concerned that what they have witnessed is against the law is encouraged to come forward and bring the issue to light. As a whistleblower lawyer from Eric Siegel Law would agree, without whistleblowers, such offenses would not be corrected and may continue for years to come.