Andrew Alan Vargas will serve a year in jail and probation of five years on charges of drunk driving when he injured a young boy last year after he left a football game. The judge has also ordered Vargas to attend classes on DUI for nine months and to speak to young adults about the perils of drunk driving as part of his community service.
Vargas Tested Above Legal Blood Alcohol Limit
On the 4th of August, Ryan White, 9, was walking across Mission Street with his aunt when he was hit by a pickup identified as a Toyota Tundra. White, a resident of Pennsylvania, was visiting the city and staying with his family in the Bay Area.
Vargas, 22, was reprimanded an hour after the accident. On conducting blood tests, officials found that Vargas was highly intoxicated at the time of the accident. Although an initial charge was placed on Vargas for a hit and run, it was dropped.
Vargas Apologizes to White’s Family
Vargas apologized to White’s parents in court before the sentence was passed. Although his parents could not make it to the trial, they had addressed a letter to Vargas which was read by Omid Talai, the prosecutor in the case. In the letter, White’s parents hoped that Vargas had learned from his mistake and would not commit it again.
Ryan, the nine-year old victim, now 10, had a torn liver and broken pelvis and was scheduled for his fourth operation on the day of the trial. According to doctors, Ryan will no longer be able to participate in his favorite sports activities such as martial arts and swimming.
The White’s agreed to a deal where Vargas would plead guilty to felony drunken driving with great bodily injury. This is the first offense committed by Vargas who is a graduate of the Cal State University East Bay.
Christopher Morales is an experienced San Francisco Criminal Lawyer. To arrange a consultation with a DUI Lawyer San Francisco CA, call us.