Today, more and more doctors and health care providers have found themselves having to defend themselves against allegations of healthcare fraud. Since the expense and quality of healthcare services have been on the minds of the public in recent days, there has been a drastic increase in government regulation. Healthcare fraud can include such actions as: billing insurance carriers for healthcare that was not actually given; asking for or requiring needless patient tests; falsifying medical documents; and prescribing unnecessary medications. If you have been charged with healthcare fraud, you may wish to hire a competent San Francisco white collar criminal defense attorney to assist you in defending yourself against any of the charges that you are facing.
t is also important to note that the laws relating to healthcare fraud are complex and constantly changing. Many health care professionals only become aware that they are the subject of an investigation because search warrants have been executed at their workplace or home. However, after a search is completed, it will generally take a considerable amount of time before charges are actually filed.
Furthermore, healthcare fraud investigations tend to correlate with civil lawsuits or other administrative investigations. Keep in mind that law enforcement is working in conjunction with local prosecutors to gather evidence and make a significant case against health care providers who participate in fraudulent activities. The punishments for a conviction of healthcare fraud can include imprisonment, loss of your professional license, substantial fines, and court costs and repayment that could consist of all funds collected from insurance agencies. If you need the services of a San Francisco white collar criminal defense attorney, please call Chris Morales for a free consultation.