Child Pornography prosecutions have soared over the last 15 years. Here are the numbers. The FBI has made more than 10,000 arrests since 1996 and the Immigration and Customs Law Enforcement Agency has made an additional 10,000 arrests since 2003. The U.S. Department of Justice states that child porn prosecutions are up 40% since 2006. The Feds have brought over 9000 cases since 2006 and in 2009 alone over 2300 persons suspected of possessing child porn were indicted. Prison sentences are harsh, with a defendant being sentenced to a minimum of 5 years in prison for one count of possession of child porn. It is extremely important that a person being investigated or charged with child pornography contact an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.
One reason prosecutions are up is because it doesn’t take much law enforcement manpower to put together a criminal case. One computer savvy FBI agent, with a powerful computer can surf file-sharing websites like LimeWire until they find a host computer offering child porn. They will then contact the internet access provider for the home address of the host computer. Next, FBI agent will apply for a search warrant. If the search warrant is granted by a Federal Judge or Magistrate, law enforcement will search the house and confiscate any computers.The computers will then be taken to Forensic Labratory and searched for child porn. It’s still unclear how much evidence law enforcement agencies must provide to the judge or magistrate in order to gain a search warrant. Several cases are being appealed in which this issue will be decided. What is clear is that the law enforcement community is serious about shutting down access to child porn.
If you or someone you love are facing child pornography charges call Attorney Christopher Morales today to get a certified specialist in criminal law on your side.