Criminal Defense Lawyer Whether a criminal case involves misdemeanor or felony charges, they could very well result in you becoming confined or placed in jail. If you’re in jail, you may have a hefty bond amount hanging over you head that makes it difficult to get out, and therefore the only way anyone can speak… Read More
An essential overview of Securities Fraud
Securities Fraud Lawyer When you hear the phrase security fraud, you most often think of people who are very rich are overpaid and they come up with these complicated and illegal schemes to get money and then they go to jail for white-collar crime. However, most of the people in California that are accused of… Read More
An Overview of Criminal Fraud
San Francisco, CA Fraud lawyer Criminal fraud is a crime that involves schemes to cheat or deceive another person or entity in order to obtain financial gain or a similar type of gain to financial gain. This is a white-collar crime, which is a variety of nonviolent crimes that are committed by commercial or business… Read More
Insight Into Securities Fraud Accusations
Insight Into Securities Fraud Accusations Securities are defined as any kind of investible financial entity, including bonds, stocks, bank notes, derivatives, options, and others. Securities fraud occurs when someone is involved with a financial instrument but steals, cheats, or lies to get money from someone else. The most common examples of securities fraud are: Insider… Read More
Defenses to a Fraud Accusation
Defenses to a Fraud Accusation Fraud is a serious crime that comes along with harsh penalties. However, instances of misunderstandings or mishaps lead to fraud accusations often. It’s imperative for people to remember that just because you are accused, that doesn’t mean you are convicted. There are ways to help your case, and this includes… Read More
Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer
A criminal defense lawyer is someone you reach out to when you have either already been charged with criminal wrongdoing or you anticipate that you might be charged thusly in the future. As an experienced San Francisco, CA Securities Fraud Lawyer – including those who practice at The Morales Law Firm – can confirm, it… Read More
How Serious Is My Criminal Charge?
When you’re facing the risk of being charged with fraud, your mind will likely begin to race with questions. Are you going to jail? What type of evidence will be used against you? How serious could the charges against you be? When facing a possible criminal charge, knowledge is power. As an experienced San Francisco,… Read More
How to Approach a Securities Fraud Settlement Offer
Securities Fraud Lawyer in San Francisco, CA When dealing with a securities fraud lawsuit, there is a chance you may be approached with a settlement offer from the person or group you’re suing. If you’re not sure how to handle the situation, here is a simple guide on how to respond. What is a Settlement?… Read More
Benefits of Having a Fraud Business Lawyer on Retainer
Fraud Lawyer San Francisco, CA Business owners know that the unexpected will happen. While oftentimes that comes in the form of small, daily challenges that can be figured out with the right team, others have nuances that require expertise. Having a business lawyer on retainer is one way to more easily handle situations that go… Read More
What can happen after criminal charges are pressed
The Three Institutions Which Make up the American Criminal Justice System A criminal defence lawyer will tell you that three major institutions make up our American criminal justice system. These three institutions are law enforcement, the court system and corrections. The rights of the accused and convicted are, in theory, protected during each state of… Read More