Simply put, insider trading rules exist to make the market fair by prohibiting people from profiting from information that has not been publicly dispersed. Despite the amount of attention that has been given to the federal prohibition of insider trading recently, California has its own statute that prohibits the activity. The state rules are clearly expressed in… Read More
Posts Categorized In: Uncategorized
California’s Criminal Antitrust Laws
The general purpose of antitrust laws is to stop unfair competition among businesses and to put an end to business monopolization in the marketplace. There are several federal laws that control the field of antitrust law; however, California has laws of its own that coincide with much of the federal law. A well-established San Francisco… Read More
California Money Laundering
If you face money laundering charges in California, speak with a San Francisco white collar criminal attorney as soon as possible. Unless you are familiar with the charges, money laundering can seem like a strange term, and you may be uncertain about the meaning of the alleged crime. In a money laundering scheme, an individual… Read More
San Francisco Banking, Financial, and Accounting Crimes
Though banking, financial, and accounting issues were once subject primarily to administrative or regulatory control, San Francisco white collar criminal attorneys have recently begun to see these cases prosecuted as criminal matters. There are an increasing number of prosecutions filed at both the state and federal level for crimes such as: Accounting fraud and tax… Read More
San Francisco White Collar Criminal Attorney Explains Blackmail
The word “blackmail” may conjure up memories of scenes from television and movies in which the villain gives the hero an ultimatum: Either you do what I say, or I will reveal to the world your worst secret. In reality, as most San Francisco white collar criminal attorneys will tell you, blackmail charges can arise… Read More
The Willful Blindness Doctrine
Throughout the years, the willful blindness doctrine has given prosecutors the chance to get convictions against a variety of high-profile white collar defendants. Willful blindness has been a recent area of concern in the world of white collar crimes because CEOs and other corporate executives have claimed that they did not know about the subject criminal… Read More
What Counts As A White Collar Crime?
Even though there is no exact definition of “white collar crime,” it covers a variety of crimes that are already prohibited by state and federal statutes. You might be surprised to find out what counts as a white collar crime—it doesn’t always necessarily involve highly skilled professional individuals or wealthy corporations. In fact, many white… Read More
Federal Environmental Statutes to Be Used Against Marijuana Growers
With the legalization of marijuana an ever growing debate in California, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California has made a surprising announcement that it will begin to prosecute marijuana growers under federal environmental statutes. This is a new and extremely controversial move by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. In a recent article in… Read More
White Collar Crimes Are Prosecuted Similarly To General Crimes
Sometimes, it might be unclear to you whether the prosecution in a white collar criminal case is held to the same kind of standards and restrictions as they would be in normal criminal cases. Indeed, in white collar criminal cases, prosecutors have very broad discretion. But there are still strict legal, procedural, and constitutional limits,… Read More
White Collar Criminal Proceedings Can Occur At Multiple Levels
White collar criminal proceedings are often complex and multifold: not only can the same underlying crime be tried in both state court and federal court, but it can give rise to criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings. Is the prosecution handled by the state or federal government? White collar crimes can be prosecuted at either the… Read More