Are You Being Charged With Domestic Violence, Assault or Battery?
San Francisco Criminal Defense Firm
If you have been charged with Domestic Violence, Assault or Battery, you should contact a lawyer immediately. As a California board-certified criminal law specialist, Attorney Christoper F. Morales has the experience and knowledge to help you beat a Domestic Violence, Assault or Battery charge. In these cases, self-defense is almost always a viable defense. These are great cases to fight because an experienced attorney like Mr. Morales can almost always find a winnable defense.
In addition to possible jail time, being convicted of Domestic Violence, Assault or Battery can have a negative impact on child custody proceedings and future job opportunities, and deportation for non-citizens. A conviction can result in a lifetime criminal record visible to any employer who runs a background check.
The severe penalties you face make it essential to have a criminal defense lawyer with substantial trial experience fighting for you. Attorney Christopher F. Morales is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist who has been in practice since 1991. He has successfully defended hundreds of clients facing criminal charges. After reviewing the facts of your case, Mr. Morales will give his honest assessment about your chances of winning. Depending on the case, Mr. Morales will move to have the charges against you dismissed or reduced.
Contact Us
To find out more about how Mr. Morales can help you fight a Domestic Violence, Assault or Battery charge, please contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.
Common Defenses for Domestic Violence Charges
If you’re facing domestic violence charges, a lawyer from a San Francisco criminal defense firm will help formulate the best possible defense. Here are some common defenses used in domestic violence cases:
- The Accuser Lied: Sometimes people can become so angry at their significant other that they fabricate a story of domestic violence to get even. False allegations can occur if the victim wanted to gain custody of your children or to obtain a favorable outcome in divorce proceedings. If this is the case, a San Francisco criminal defense firm will look for inconsistencies in the evidence and the victim’s version of events that prove he or she is lying.
- You Were Defending Yourself: If you used force to protect yourself from someone, you can claim self-defense. Your lawyer will find out if the victim has a history of violence or was the initial instigator to help prove your case.
- It Was an Accident: Even if you admit that you caused the victim injuries, you may be able to claim that it was all an accident. Your lawyer must prove that you didn’t intend to harm the victim.
- You Were Defending Someone Else: If you believe the victim was endangering someone else, you can claim that you were defending him or her from harm. For example, if you believed that your significant other was trying to hit your children, you could use reasonable force to protect them.
- It Wasn’t Me: If you can prove that you were the one that committed domestic violence, you have a good chance of beating your charges. In order to use this defense, you have to prove that you weren’t at the scene when the crime was being committed. A witness may have to testify that you weren’t at the scene.
Speaking to a Lawyer
If you were charged with domestic violence, it’s important to consult a lawyer from a San Francisco criminal defense firm as soon as possible. A defense lawyer who has extensive experience with domestic violence cases may improve your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.
During your initial consultation with a lawyer from a Sanfrancisco criminal defense firm, be prepared to answer several questions about your case. For example, your lawyer may want to know about emotional state during the incident and also the emotional state of the victim. He or she may also ask what you told the police and how recent the victim’s injuries are. It’s important to be honest with your answers and provide as many details as possible. The more information your lawyer knows, the stronger defense he or she can make.
If you have any evidence pertaining to your case, such as a police report, you should bring it with you to your initial consultation with a San Francisco criminal defense firm.
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Client Review
“I have worked with Chris Morales on cases for several years. He is tops, a well versed lawyer who understanding client relations and representation. Simple a top professional, and a great colleague.”
Guy Kornblum