DUI Lawyer San Francisco, CA
In the aftermath of an accident caused by a DUI driver, you may learn that your injuries are more serious than you originally thought—a call to a DUI lawyer might be in order. Accident injuries involving motor vehicles happen every day all around the country. DUI motorists are to blame for thousands of car accidents every year. A DUI lawyer is dedicated to helping victims recover their damages from the at-fault driver.
Are Criminal Charges for a DUI a Possibility?
If the other driver was cited for a DUI by the responding police officer, they may currently be in custody or else released on bail until their next court appearance. There are two classifications for a DUI: misdemeanor and felony. If they were charged with a misdemeanor DUI this is not to say that their charge will remain as such. In fact, if it is evident that their actions caused the accident which was directly responsible for your injury, more than likely their charge will be changed from a misdemeanor to a felony. Because of your injury, they may face additional charges. Your DUI lawyer will have an informed perspective about this due to their knowledge about the exact circumstances. Additional charges could include reckless driving which is a serious charge. If someone else suffered a fatal injury in the DUI accident, the DUI driver might be charged with manslaughter or vehicular homicide. Understand that regardless of what criminal charges are brought against the DUI driver, you have the legal right to pursue a personal injury claim or a civil lawsuit against them.
What is a Personal Injury Claim?
In the event you were injured in a car accident caused by a DUI driver, your DUI lawyer may recommend filing a personal injury claim with their insurance company. Pursuing this option with the help of an experienced lawyer from our firm provides a greater likelihood of receiving the maximum possible settlement. If the driver’s insurance company deals with you directly, and without the guidance of an experienced DUI lawyer from our firm, the chances are excellent that they will not offer a fair settlement. With a DUI lawyer representing you, the insurance company will be more likely to negotiate in good faith and pay you the compensation you actually deserve.
What is a Civil Lawsuit?
In the context of an injury accident caused by a DUI motorist, you have the legal right to sue the motorist’s insurance company if they refuse to offer you a fair settlement. A DUI lawyer San Francisco, CA trusts will pursue a court action if necessary, but this rarely happens. There is also the matter of bad publicity that they and their customer will receive in the process of going to court. Negotiating a settlement is also in our client’s best interest because they will receive their payout much sooner in the form of a settlement.
Contact the Morales Law Firm for their insight into DUI accidents and your rights after being injured.