Undoubtedly, the world as a whole has changed since the events of September 11, 2001. This reality is particularly appropriate when discussing the United States’ counterterrorist efforts with respect to terrorist financing. Accordingly, the government has decided to pay close attention to and place great emphasis on the hindrance of terrorist financing, and it has committed extensive resources to focus on the problem. Having done so, the US is now better equipped to understand the methodology that is utilized by terrorists in their effort to raise and use money.
Having a new sense of urgency, the intelligence community, both at the state agency and federal levels, has created new entities that will specifically focus on the area of terrorist fundraising and the covert movement of money. Of equal importance, many of the obstacles that have hindered investigations in the past have been, in essence, removed. The existing intelligence community approach properly focuses on using monetary information, in conjunction with other types of intelligence, to discover and follow terrorist groups. You may wish to contact a well-informed San Francisco white collar criminal defense attorney for more information on the subject as it pertains to your specific issues.
Since 9/11, the FBI has improved its distribution of intelligence to policymakers, usually via briefings and status reports. The creation of a unit to focus solely on terrorist financing has given the FBI a way in which it can successfully take part in interagency terrorist-financing efforts, and it ensures that these issues are at the forefront of the FBI’s attention. If you need a San Francisco white collar criminal defense attorney, please contact Chris Morales for a free consultation.