Why You Can Afford a Personal Injury Lawyer
Many people do not realize that a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco, CA does not require payment immediately, especially for the plaintiff in a case. Instead, the attorney works on contingency, which is a fancy way of saying they don’t get paid unless you do. Therefore, if you are worried about paying for a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco, CA, don’t. Reach out to a competent and licensed attorney to discuss your payment options.
Fees and Contingency
While you might not have to pay for a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco, CA right away, you will still want to pay attention to the fees and other costs associated with your claim. Most personal injury lawyers will charge within the same ballpark ranges, typically between 30% and 40%. However, that being said, there is a significant difference between the two percentages. For example, a lawyer charging 40% will take $4,000 of a $10,000 award, but one charging only 30% will take $3,000.
The rates will vary based on the complexity of the case. For example, a lawyer will probably charge less for a straightforward case that is settled outside of a trial. If the case is more complex and the defendant refuses to settle, forcing a claim to trial, an attorney will most likely charge a higher rate because of the extra time and work involved.
Aside from attorney fees, you will want to pay attention to additional costs, like those associated with investigations and expert witnesses. You will also want to focus on minor expenses, like making copies and filing court papers.
Cost Control
When working with a lawyer on a contingency, it is your job to pay attention to expenses. However, you can give your lawyer the reins if you would prefer not to worry about it. Most people prefer to stay informed about how and when money is being used. You can ask your lawyer to get your permission before spending money on a case, but that will slow down progress, which can end up costing you more money in the long run. Therefore, it is best to talk to your lawyer about expenses and the rules for spending.
While it is easy to assume you cannot afford a personal injury lawyer San Francisco, CA, you likely will not have to pay until after the trial or settlement negotiations when fighting a personal injury claim. Additionally, most personal injury lawyers do not require payment if they do not win or receive a settlement. If you want to learn more, contact our personal injury lawyer.
The experienced team at The Morales Law Firm will do our utmost to make the process of exploring your legal options as low-stress as possible. Once you’ve spoken with our firm, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions about your options, whenever you’re feeling ready to act upon them. We look forward to assisting you with your legal needs during this challenging time.