Out-of-state drivers accused of traffic violations are taken to jail, or before a judge and aren’t released until either bail is posted or a fine is paid. The reason for this is because the state has no way short of extradition to guarantee the appearance or the payment of the fine of out-of-state residents. This practice is becoming less frequent, but still occurs in some states. So, when doing extensive driving out of state, you may want to carry additional cash.
Driving back to the state to fight a ticket is costly. Most people will therefore either plead guilty and pay the fine or arrange to “forfeit bail.” If you do this, it might appear on your state driving record maintained by the DMV. More than half the states have a mutual agreement known as the “Driver’s License Compact” under which each member state reports out-of-state residents’ traffic violation convictions and bail forfeitures to the state that licensed the driver (VC §15022). Member States include: All states are members except Alaska, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
If the DMV receives the report of the conviction or bail forfeiture from a member state, the offense will appear on your record in the same way it would for a similar offense under the state you reside in. Speeding violations will also appear on your DMV record, but infractions will not.
If one ignores an out-of-state ticket in a state where you were physically arrested for a traffic offense, taken to jail or brought before a judge, and then released after posting bail, your bail will be considered forfeited. Then, one of two things will happen. The judge will choose to treat the matter as though you paid the fine. This “conviction” if it occurred in one of the states listed above, will be reported to the appropriate state DMV. Not all states allow this it will be left to the judge’s discretion. It is thus possible that your bail could be declared forfeited plus a warrant would still be issued for your arrest whenever you drive through the state. The state might also suspend your driving privileges within its own borders, in which case you’ll also be charged with unlicensed driving.