Local law enforcement agencies will be out in force, utilizing sobriety checkpoints to deter drunk driving during Halloween week. Police say to be prepared for DUI checkpoints. Halloween falls nearly mid-week and for adults that means costume parties Thursday night and even this weekend.
Northern California DUI Checkpoints:
San Francisco: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
San Rafael & Novato: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
San Anselmo: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
Petaluma & Sonoma: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
Modesto: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
San Jose: undisclosed location – 10/30/13 – 11/3/13 – 8pm to 1am
Be sure to check back for updates at:
http://www.mrcheckpoint.com/ or ps://www.facebook.com/California.DUI.Checkpoints
Halloween is one of the deadliest holidays of the year on our roadways. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2007-2011, 52 percent of all national fatalities occurring on Halloween night involved a drunk driver.
Males ages 21-34 comprised almost half of all drunk drivers who were killed in motor traffic crashes nationwide during the 2011 Halloween period. It is the deadliest night for child pedestrians of any night of the whole year.
If you are planning on attending a Halloween party this year, or even hosting a party yourself, there are ways to prevent yourself and your guests from driving under the influence of alcohol.
Be sure guests:
- Designate a sober driver
- Take a taxi
- Call a sober friend or family member
- Find a sober friend to walk home with you, or refrain from walking all together.
- If someone is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them make safe travel arrangements to where they are going
- Ask to stay at host’s home for the night
- Do not sleep in your parked vehicle – it is possible to get a DUI without even driving
Consequences of Drunk Driving:
Driving while impaired is a crime. It risks your safety and the safety of those around you. Drunk driving is not worth causing a car accident, severe injury, or even death
There are substantial legal and financial costs of drunk driving. Violators often face:
- Jail time.
- Loss of driver’s license.
- Higher insurance rates.
- Other unanticipated expenses, such as attorney fees, court costs, car towing and repairs, and lost wages due to time off from work.
Please, don’t drink and drive this Halloween. The Morales Law Firm wishes you a happy and safe Halloween!
P.S. In an effort to keep drunk drivers off the road this Halloween weekend, AAA is offering a ride home for people, and their vehicles. The Tow to Go program is available to everyone, whether they are a AAA member or not. The service is designed to be used as a last resort, and is offered based on availability of AAA drivers and tow trucks during times of high call volume. It is limited to a 10 mile radius. For Tipsy Tow, call (800) 222-4357 (AAA-HELP) and tell the operator, “I need a Tipsy Tow”