Even the smallest car accident can take the biggest toll on your health, bank account, and time. In 2017, San Francisco was ranked 5th in having the highest automobile traffic in the world. With that reputation, the odds of getting into a car accident are incredibly high. Knowing this, any car accident lawyer San Francisco has to offer is invaluable to the safety its citizens. We have successfully handled hundreds of car accident-related injury cases. Through our wide experience in criminal law, we provide a car accident lawyer San Francisco can call.
Step One: Start to Learn About Your Legal Problem
The first step to any claim is to understand the legal problem you may end up in. A quick search on the Internet will return many bits of information that give you some understanding as to what you may be dealing with. Additionally, there should be lots of searches for available attorneys.
Step Two: Start to Gather Names
Your own personal network may sometimes have a lawyer, so it is best to ask anyone close to you if they know of any competent lawyers that can take on your case. Through a quick look on the Internet or the Yellow Pages, the amount of car accident lawyers San Francisco has to offer may be overwhelming and confusing. The best way to find your attorney is to research their background. Typically, lawyers may have many areas of expertise but it may be the case that you need a specific type of lawyer. Certain lawyers may be experienced in multiple fields and these may be the kind of lawyers you need.
Step Three: Call and Ask for Written Information
Once you have your list of prospective lawyers, call and ask for any information regarding your case. It would be best to ask for any information packet they may have on your type of case. With this information, you can narrow down a large number of car accident lawyers San Francisco offers to a handful of options. Feeling comfortable with the lawyer you have chosen is extremely important.
Step Four: Ask the Right Questions
- Have you handled this type of case?
- What are the likely outcomes in my case?
- What will the fees and expenses be?
- Are there alternatives to a trial?
- How long will my case take?
- How will we communicate?
- Have you ever been sanctioned for, or accused of, attorney misconduct?
Step Five: Rank the Information In Terms of Importance
- Consistent results in the past
- Experience
- Board certification
- A listing in the book, “Best Lawyers in America”
- “AV” rating from Martindale Hubbell
- Active participation in trial lawyer associations