Brian Luc, brother of a man suspected of killing five in San Francisco, pleaded guilty to charges on possession of drugs. Alex Bastian, spokesman for the office of the district attorney in San Francisco stated that Brian possessed cocaine, which he intended to sell.
Brothers Arrested on the Same Day
Luc was arrested on the same day his brother, Binh Luc, who was taken into custody on suspicion of murdering five people – 3 women and 2 men – at a house near a San Francisco-based City College. Prosecutors are yet to prove that Binh Luc is the one who committed the crime, which took place on March 23. Two days after the murders, police apprehended Brian Luc, who had 28 grams of cocaine in his possession. He also had 2 rounds of ammunition at a Hayes Street house he shared with his brother. The police took Binh Luc into custody in the county of San Mateo, but arrested Brian Luc at home.
Prosecutors Keen on Including Intent to Sell Drugs in Charges
According to prosecutors, Brian intended to sell the drugs. However, Brendon Conroy, his lawyer, argued that no other drug paraphernalia, generally required for dealing drugs like cocaine, were found at Brian’s house. On April 19, at the end of the preliminary hearing of the case, the judge agreed to drop charges of intent to sell and retained the one on possession. However, when the case reached closer to the trial date, prosecutors brought back the charges on intent to sell.
Last week, when prosecutors agreed to drop charges on possessing ammunition, Brian stated that he was willing to plead guilty. If the charges are pursued, it can bring more trouble for Brian, who was convicted in 2011 for discharging a firearm and DUI.
Prosecutors plan on using Brian as a witness against his brother. They have not yet released information on what the motive behind the murders was.
Christopher Morales is an experienced San Francisco Criminal Lawyer. If you want expert advice from a Drug Possession Criminal Defense Attorney San Francisco, get in touch with us.